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The Benefits of Goji(Part-1)

Views : 2176
Update time : 2020-09-03 11:16:15
The Benefits of Goji(Part-1)

*Extends service life
The billions of cells in our body are subject to constant attack from free radicals. These harmful oxidants accelerate the aging of the body by destroying the cells in our body. Goji is known as the "fruit of longevity". Its unique polysaccharide molecules and antioxidant properties prevent premature aging by fighting the damaging effects of free radicals throughout the body.
*Increase our energy and endurance
Considered a first-rate adaptogen, goji increases exercise tolerance, stamina and endurance. It helps to eliminate fatigue, especially in convalescents.
*Help to stay young
Goji stimulates the secretion of human growth hormone (HCH), also called the hormone of youth. The benefits of this hormone are numerous: improved sleep, increased memory, reduced adiposity, accelerated healing, increased libido, slows down the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.
*Reduces blood pressure
Untreated high blood pressure is still an important risk factor in the development of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, stroke and kidney failure. The polysaccharides in goji help prevent high blood pressure.
*Prevents degeneration of the immune system
Goji is one of the only plants in the world containing an anticancer metalloid: germanium.
The polysaccharides in goji berries can stop genetic mutations that can destroy the immune system.
*Detoxifies the body
Goji can be a particularly effective supplement for preventing liver failure. This property is very important because the liver is the body's main detoxification organ.
*Lowers cholesterol levels
Goji contains beta-sitosterol, known to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. The flavonoids contained in goji promote the opening of the arteries and their proper functioning.
*Balances blood sugar levels
For several years, Chinese medicine has recommended goji to rebalance the blood sugar level. Its polysaccharides improve the metabolism of carbohydrates and insulin. Goji also contains betaine, which can prevent fatty liver disease and vascular problems, which are common in diabetics.
*Improves libido and sexual function
Modern scientific studies have shown that goji substantially increases blood testosterone levels, thereby boosting libido in both men and women.
In China, goji is considered one of the main toning plants for sexual function.
*Losing weight
In an Asian obesity study, patients consumed goji in the morning and afternoon. The results were excellent. Most of the patients have lost weight significantly. Another study found that goji polysaccharides reduced body mass by promoting the conversion of food into energy rather than fat.
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