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Hemp Seed Protein​ Powder

Supply Hemp Seed powder/Hemp Protein​ powder, High quality and Good price

What is Hemp Protein Powder?

Our Hemp power is use 100% nature bulk Hulled Hemp seed to make the pure powder, with any additive. HEMP Seeds are a powerhouse when it comes to protein with at least 20 amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine). Amino acids are organic compounds that combine to form proteins, and together, amino acids and proteins are the building blocks of the human body.

Product Name: HEMP Seed Protein Powder
Specifications: Protein 30%, Protein 50%
Appearance: Yellow white fine powder
Application: Food additive, dietary supplement, medicine

Function of Hemp Protein Powder:
1. For hardening of liver, liver cancer. In case of yinxu, use raw bai zhu plus other herbs according to diagnostics
2. Children drooling 
3. Meniere's disease 
4. Constipation 
5. Chronic back pain 
6. Acute infection of intestine 
7. Low white cell count

Application of Hemp Protein​ powder:
1. Be widely used as anti-oxidant and functionals
2. The multifunctional green food additives & raw material of health food
3. Intermediate of the medicine
4. Natrual herbal ingredient of TCM

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