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Reishi Mushroom Extract

Reishi Mushroom Powder is the powdered extract from the Lingzhi mushroom and is traditionally used in Chinese medicine to reduce stress and help sleep and fatigue.

Reishi Mushroom Powder is the powdered extract from the Lingzhi mushroom and is traditionally used in Chinese medicine to reduce stress and help sleep and fatigue.

Reishi Mushroom extract has a slightly bitter, woody taste but once added to other flavours it can be easily disguised. Add to hot beverages such as tea or coffee and is often added to smoothies for a healthy start to the day.


Product Name

Ganoderma lucidum Extract

(Reishi Mushroom Extract/

reshi mushroom extract powder)

Botanic Name

Ganoderma lucidum

Plant Part

Fruiting body/ Mycelium

Country of Origin

P.R. China

Extract solvent

Water / Grain Alcohol


Brownish yellow fine powder

Regular Spec.

&Test Method

Spore powder;

Regular powder(super fine powder 300 mesh);

5:1/10:1 by TLC;

10%~40% Polysaccharides by UV-VIS; 2%~6% Triterpene by UV-VIS

1. Enhances the Immune System and Aid Gut Health
2. Reduce tumor growth and prevent Cancer
3. Liver protection and detoxication
4. Reduce Inflammation and Act as an Antioxidant
5. Help you sleep and decrease blood sugar
6. Relieve cough and allergies
7.Good for sleep

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